By Summer Camp Staff
Every day at Wolf Ridge Summer Camp is unique in its own way. With that in mind, here’s a tour of what one of those days might look like.
7:00 AM
“Rise and Shine everyone!” (…yawn…) Time to wake up and get ready for the day…
7:30 AM

“This is a repeat after me song….” To help us wake up, we all meet at the Summit Lodge Campfire Ring to get our minds and bodies moving by singing and dancing to camp songs.
7:45 AM
“Is that pancakes and bacon I smell? Mmmmmmmmm….” Let’s head over to the Dining Hall to get breakfast. When our bellies are full, it is time to head back to the Summit Lodge to finish preparing for the day.
8:15 AM
We believe it is very important to give back to our community. With that in mind, each day all the camp groups help to clean up their rooms and tidy the lodge.
8:45 AM
“Are you ready for a morning of fun and adventures?” Whether it is rock climbing, preparing for an upcoming wilderness trip, or exploring the wetland, campers are sure to learn something new and laugh with friends.

12:00 PM
“I said a Boom Chicka Boom….” With so many funny verses in this song, it’s not a surprise that this is one of the most requested songs each day.
12:15 PM
“What is for lunch today? I hope it is taco day!” After learning about and exploring Wolf Ridge we are all starving and ready to eat again.
1:00 PM
“Can we take a break?” With our bellies full again and our minds feeling a bit sleepy, it’s time for us to take a break and rest in our rooms. Whether campers want to read, write letters home, play a quiet game with friends or nap, rest hour is a wonderful time to unwind after a busy morning.
1:45 PM

“Who wants to go canoeing?” Afternoons are filled with more adventures! Canoeing, adventure ropes, lake study, or Voyageur life are just some of the many activities campers may participate in each afternoon. No matter what it is, I guarantee campers will come back with some great memories.
5:00 PM
“I’m being eaten by a boa constrictor. I’m being eaten by a boa constrictor. I’m being eaten by a boa constrictor and I don’t like it very much…” One more campfire today before we eat dinner together.
5:15 PM
“What is for dinner? Burgers? Spaghetti? Chicken? I hope we get a good dessert!”
6:30 PM

“Did you know that an owl can turn its head up to 270 degrees?” Each week campers get to meet and learn about our resident program raptors. Hunter, Beep and Ruby love showing off their talents and unique adaptations each week to the campers in an evening presentation.
7:30 PM
“Who is ready to play capture the flag?” Capture the flag is one of the most requested and beloved all-camp games at Wolf Ridge.

9:00 PM
“Is it a scary story or a funny story?” The sun is beginning to set which means it is time to wind down for the day with a snack and a story back in the Summit Lodge.
9:30 PM
“I am so tired!” (…yawn…) After a fun-filled day of activities, it is time to put our PJ’s on, brush our teeth, say goodnight to our friends, and crawl in bed so we can enjoy another exciting day tomorrow.
Phew…what a day! I can’t wait for tomorrow!