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It’s Winter!

October 30, 2017

Categories: Nature Notes

By Wolf Ridge Naturalist

Wolf Ridge experienced its first snow of the year this week! An unexpected 10 inches!

The heavy wet snow stuck to the trees, bending tamaracks and small shrubs over the paths onto the ground, making for creative path walking experiences. The view off the observation deck has totally changed, with only a few big-toothed aspens baring their golden leaves. This sudden seasonal shift has likely driven many of our scaly, slimy and furry friends into their winter abodes. We will say farewell for the season to the garter snakes, eastern chipmunks, and black bears.

The students (and some naturalists) were excited but ill-prepared. Oak Crest Elementary’s bus was delayed for a few hours due to snow traffic, but they made it out safely later in the afternoon. Cleaning the snow off our cars was unbelievable.

It has also driven the naturalists around their wood stove. The snow has rekindled the magic of Wolf Ridge and we are re-energized within our winter wonderland.