NEW! Story Day Camp - August 12 - August 15


Almanac – October 2023

October 23, 2023

By Jessica Vance

October 2023 Almanac


  • Academic Standards Pave the Way – Learn how Wolf Ridge classes align with state academic standards and how this serves attending schools.
  • View from the Ridge – Peter Smerud, Wolf Ridge executive director updates us on Minnesota’s progress on the Outdoor School for All Minnesota students bill.
  • Increasing Outdoor Learning for Young Minnesotans – Call Wolf Ridge to find out if you school qualifies for grant money to assist in bringing your school to Wolf Ridge.
  • 2023-24 Seasonal Naturalists – Welcome our new group of graduate naturalists.
  • Wolf Ridge Staff Update – Read about recent alumni enterprises.
  • New Wolf Ridge Team Members – Greet our newest team members.
  • Leaders of the Pack – Join these leaders in supporting Wolf Ridge.
  • News Briefs – Catch up with all the current events at Wolf Ridge since May.
  • Profile: Kristi Pursell – Meet Kristi Pursell, past student naturalist and current Minnesota House of Representative.
  • Plant Adaptations for Winter Survival – Discover how plants survive the winter.
  • 2024 Programs – Get excited about upcoming programs in 2024.

About the Wolf Ridge Almanac

Each issue features specific topics in environmental education and natural history. Other regular articles include Wolf Ridge updates, upcoming events, and more. Published three times annually in February, May, and October.