Teacher Training Institute Workshops

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Courtney Wright

Animal Care & Wildlife Program Coordinator / Naturalist
B.S. Zoology, University of Wisconsin-Madison
B.S. Environmental Studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison

My mission at Wolf Ridge is to provide engaging and meaningful wildlife experiences for students of all ages – whether it’s striking awe into students while Ruby the red-tailed hawk flies over their heads during the Raptors Program, engaging our graduate student naturalists with the bird banding process during Northern Saw-whet owl migration, or helping students practice their observation skills while comparing deer to hare scat in Animal Signs class, I firmly believe that animals are the best teachers! I have the pleasure of not only overseeing our captive wildlife ambassadors (which include birds, mammals, fish, and a turtle), but also helping to maintain our wildlife sites on campus like Chickadee Landing.

Before migrating to Wolf Ridge in 2021, I spent ten years as a wildlife rehabilitator and educator in Northern Wisconsin, assisting my local community in learning best practices for coexisting with wild animal species in rural environments. I became a Wolf Ridge graduate student naturalist in 2021, and metamorphosed into the Wildlife Program Coordinator in 2022.

When I’m not on campus, I can often be found near (or in) Lake Superior, snuggling up with my cats to watch Lord of the Rings, or voraciously planning my next adventure abroad (New Zealand, here I come!).



218-353-7414 | Ext. 6157